Dr. Michael’s Invention and Gift to the World — Energy Enhancement System

My beloved teacher and friend, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael’s technology is being installed around the world, and creating excitement and breakthrough results for Whole Being Health and Presence.

Dr. Michael describes her invention — Energy Enhancement System (EES) — and how it helps the human body renew and regenerate in its Unified energy field; reversing radiation damage, phenomenal healing for children, and much more.

Article on EE System dated August 30, 2023.

Dr. Michael at a new installation of her healing technology in India, 2023.  (She is 70 years old.)

Electrical fields mitigation check by John OravaPhysicist, Pentagon Pattern Energy Consultant, Consultant to the Department of Defense, and President of Bio-Physicists Foundation — conducted in a four-unit EE System.

Discussion with Sandra Michael in 2022, which initiated the explosion of EES throughout our nation and furthered it around the world.

(EESystem is not to be confused with “medbed” technology, and, in the opinion of one of the top physicists in the USA, “EES is more advanced.”  This statement is a correction to Jason’s intro.)

Sandra Speaks in 2017.  This talk is loaded with research studies and tests.

Jason Shurka, of Unifyd (working with Sandra’s company) shares a report of the benefits starting to manifest from recently gifted EE Cubes (the smallest, most affordable version of Energy Enhancement System).  12/2/23

(Note:  EE System has been used and studied intensively since about 2000, and testimonials and research abound over the years.)

Dr. Michael’s “Research” page:  https://eesystem.com/research/

Read testimonials — many with before and after medical tests — at this facebook group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/625938738666348