
It’s never too late to do our Inner Work, but BETTER SOONER THAN LATER.  Many seek to “ride their highs” until they realize they’re powered by only half an engine, and do not have a strong constitution in their body via deep roots soul power as their foundation. Life won’t even enable that anymore.

“Do Or Die” Stay Dynamic




Your body is your first home. It is a patient and kind servant, and knows truth better than your mind. It is potentially an Earth-angel of the purest order.

Please honor and care for your body — don’t ignore its needs and messages. If you do, you will eventually be held accountable for the bill by Life’s Inherent Justice . . . Justice for the servants of humanity, the precious, sacred, and vital senses — the taken-for-granted gift.


It’s time for us to claim, inhabit, and value our NATURAL SENSES, which are far more accurate than mental gyrations for reality-alignment.

The mind cannot tell fact from fiction — the heart knows.  Mind functions well as a humble interpreter via logic. Best to be ahead of the curve, I think.  “Proof-seeking” is a day late and a dollar short already.  Innocent Perception and Affirmation come in right order and keep us In Tune. Such orientation is fast becoming VITAL now.


Let’s be the Kindness, Grace, Presence, and Peace that helps this world get through the Turn of the Age and RENEW in Divine Order !  ❤

Art by one of my brilliant teachers, Glenda Green.


Blessed Father and Mother, Beloved Great Spirit,

Thank you for life, and for your love that sustains, heals, guides, and renews us! Help us to integrate, refine, and strengthen in the balm of your Truth.

I open my heart to the warm embrace of your faithful, all-providing Love in all times of ease and stress. Brighten our way and affirm our right steps, among the constant spiritual battle for the subjugation of Man.

Your Loving Presence flows down to Earth through the Heart of the Sun, the heart of the flower, and the labor of the bee, brightening our lives with sweetness and vital nurturance.

Bless and preserve the bees and their sacred work and gifts to Creation. Help us learn to do our part without question, avidly, as they do. Teach us to dearly value every pure servant who contributes to the health of the Whole.

Thank you for everyone I call friend who is true, committed, brave, wise, and understanding about inherent rights of the sovereign and ethical individual; and the potentially refreshing interplay and balance between the group, and a servant government that is as true and humble as the bee, in the joyous Divine Order of Natural Law.

Bring us forward through the darkening of birth into the new Day, together with the bees, and every precious being; with our integrity, and the unique, pure gifts of our core medicine, intact and empowered!

In Yehoshua Ha Maschiach
Ham So Ham, Om Amen