Welcome to Huna Varuna! Astrology Counseling and Transformational Bodywork for Self-Responsible People

Transformation Facilitation Services for More Abundant Life

“This Philosopher’s stone was actually experienced as the formation of a solid ground within the shifting sea of the human being’s inner world.  Once the solid ground in the soul was found, the alchemists were able to take hold of their lives in a more creative means as they could then root their own personalities on a solid footing of the spiritual inner experience.  From this deep and true inner stability they could experience the full potentiality of what it means to be a living human being fused by Soul and Spirit.”

—  Theodore White

The quote above (referring to alchemy) articulates the goal of my work in assisting others with their spirit- and soul-unifying, evolutionary, integrative, transformational processes.

“Huna” is a modern word applied to an ancient culture of wisdom associated with Hawaii’s location today.  It is taken from “Ho’o” which means ‘to make,’ and “Mana,” which is life force, prana, kundalini (shakti), ki or chi.  Huna is a consciously attentive way of life in harmony with the natural world that:

  • Blesses, affirms, benefits, and empowers all positive beings and endeavors;
  • Enhances spirituality and life force;
  • Deepens understanding; and,
  • Engages and amplifies inherent spiritual gifts and natural healing powers for self and others.

“Varuna” is the name of a Kuiper Belt Dwarf planet (2000 WR 106), and also of a Hindu archetype, or ancient Vedic god.  The archetype of the “All Seeing Eye” is associated with this dwarf planet and it is shaped like an ellipsoid, or eye.  Life energies associated with Varuna are linked with the Vedic mythology of its namesake.

Varuna_draakonilThe Vedic concept of Varuna, was as keeper of the cosmic order, of universal law and the sacredness of life —  a divine protector.  He presided over the celestial ocean and waters, and signified mastery of the subconscious drives and passions of previous lives.  He was often pictured as riding on a crocodile or amphibious reptile to portray constructive and present engagement  of the subconscious aspect of being.

My name is Rockets Cynthia RedglareI’m an Astrologer, Bodyworker, EMF/R Consultant (electromagnetic fields and radiation), and ordained minister/facilitator of healing, located in Saint Paul, Minnesota.


My natal sun is conjunct (at the same degree as) the dwarf planet, Varuna, in my birth chart.  Having consciously regressed into past lives for 20 years (at first against my will) in an intense, spontaneous, and highly educational  soul-healing process, I’ve developed an ability to aid others on their healing path by providing a deep, strong emotional affirmation, structure, and perspective that eases traumas.  I have developed my spiritual healing gift to conduct metaphysical energies that affirm balance and optimum order in body, mind, spirit, and soul.  I aspire to the archetypes of Huna and Varuna as Love In Action.

I deeply respect and appreciate the teachings of Carl Jung about transference, projection, and archetypes of our collective great Soul.  I am committed to holding loving space for everyone I work with — to freely integrate in their uniquely brilliant ways, without judgment, interference or inappropriate control frameworks — but with affirming presence, healthy boundaries, and consistent heart-centered loving care.

I offer:

  • varunaTransformational Bodywork
  • Astrology Counseling
  • Kundalini Counseling
  • Group Astrology Presentations
  • Certified BEMER (Bio Electro Magnetic Energy Regulation) sessions provider
  • BioScalar and EMF/R Consultant
  • Space Clearing Services

I also lead sacred circles/ceremonies with Peruvian Whistling Vessels. 

I invite you to explore my offerings and discern if it would be helpful for you.  I am experienced, confidential, and practice excellent psychic hygiene.  My work does not foster dependency, but provides exceptional care to support self-actualization in a bigger picture context of true potential destiny.

May Boundless Love and blessings be Yours!

Peruvian Whistling Vessels created by Daniel Statnekov, author of “Animated Earth”.


Flower of Life and other digital graphics generously shared by Dr. Snowcrash
