What many people are unaware of is the fact that Astrology is the entire natural world. — Theodore White
Misinformation abounds among us, concerning astrology. A pervasive notion exists that astrology is a cultish, superficial, pseudo science that purports to fatalistically foretell the future, or that it is based on a theory that ‘the planets influence people’. This is the result of religious control frameworks that have biased people against astrology with fear and arrogance, and have also capitalized on the collective tendency not to think for ourselves — to engage in true scientific exploration. As a result, the population-at-large has been duped out of benefits and teachings from the Heart of Life, that would bless, guide, and affirm every one!
But now many people are awakening and questioning biases and false teachings instead of perpetuating them. Growing numbers of people naturally understand that ‘everything in creation is related.’ And as we discover and reclaim our foundational inner depths, natural cycles of life, of nature and becoming, the fullness of our wisdom heritage is being seen in new light.
The recent phenomenon of internet and social media is contributing to growing interest in astrology, as people note that astrologers publish similar truths and insights simultaneously — that are later confirmed by observable events.
As with any science, discipline or study, astrology has its superficial schlock among humanity, accompanied by hype, the fog of charlatans and their addicted — ever jonesing for the future, the next unique planetary or stellar event and new age shift.
What could be more of a turn-off to any intelligent being, than a “pseudo science” that purports to tell you how the planets are influencing you, or to tell you your yet unformed future? Such a concept is an insult to human nature. We want to live our freedom of choice, to do what we want to when we so desire, and create our futures in our unique ways. That would leave ‘astrology’, as it is commonly misunderstood, for the confused and the fantasy or “help me” addicted.
Personal discernment must be well engaged in choosing an astrologer. I have witnessed a disorder unique to astrologers — using some knowledge of astrology to rationalize and bolster their personal biases, projections, and filters with full ego investment and identification. This is deeply concerning. Like psychiatrists who are themselves mentally ill, counselors who presume to categorize and label others (especially those they project onto), and faux consultants righteously donning the false authority guise of ‘helping others.’ How can an astrologer be of help to another, if they are hooked into duality and polarization? If they can’t perceive the ‘bigger picture’ of life to facilitate healthy resolutions, and thus can’t perceive the potential greatness of the clients they serve? Spiritual adolescence abounds.
I continually strive to be clear, humble, nonjudgmental, respectful, confidential, and a simple interpreter; bringing my experience, expertise, and open heart to the counseling table, with passion to serve, encourage and affirm with accuracy. I meet with you in the Heart of Life and give my best!
What Astrology Is
Astrology is pure science, which presents quite a challenge for astrologers, because there are myriad methods of analysis, from simple to abstract. There is a great quantity of data and significators to study. The invention of computers has provided potent data aids undreamed of for centuries — yet the sky is the limit. Every chart or sky map presents a completely unique set of significator relationships and power-sphere qualities and equations, unique to each individual and query. The capacity of astrologers to grasp and interpret the variables is continually stretched.

“The rationale for this approach is the supposition that the mythological deities are the symbolic external expressions of the inner structures of the psyche.” — Demetra George
Astrology is also symbols, myth, and art. Many mythologies of our various cultures are related to observation of the constellations and planets and the energies they signify since ancient times, and inform our archetypes of universal human qualities, evolution, and becoming. Synthesizing sky map data and information proffered by the related symbols and myths is a skill and art, facilitated by the study, intuition, understanding, and attunement of the astrologer.
Astrology is the science of the relatedness of all things. Yes, we are affected by the gravitational effects of the Moon, by changes in the ionosphere caused by eclipses; such causes and effects are conclusively documented. But astrologers use the specific earth-location-centered sky map as a reference for time and life energy cycles. The positions of planets, fixed stars, asteroids, and measured points in space — in the context of the background of the zodiac — are meaningful references for information pertinent to the potentials and qualities of life on earth. The natal map of the sky (individual birth chart calculated with birth date, time, and place) provides a bigger picture informational view that accurately relates day-to-day living with one’s purpose, mission, and potentially greatest destiny; rooted in and fueled by one’s pre-birth past.
The information and wisdom of this great overview can be practically applied for decision-making that is better tuned and empowered by natural cycles. It correlates with the axiom that expresses humanity’s aspirations to actualize the most empowered, peaceful, and fulfilling order and harmony on Earth: “As Above, So Below.”
Astrology is the language of the cosmos, the logos of Love that empowers the Core of Creation, affirms each unique being . . . and whispers the soul of the world.
“Viewing the birth chart as a map of the psyche, the lines formed by the web of interrelated aspects that connect the planets can be seen as analogous to a wiring diagram of the mind or the neural circuits of the body.” — Demetra George
I agree!
“Isn’t it amazing that Nature — that God created — speaks to us so clearly and accurately, with such Love?! And we’ve been taught to ignore that!”
— Marge – Neighbor and Client, 84 years old, school teacher for 25 years.