Services and Price List

Rockets Redglare of Huna Varuna offers Astrology Counseling /Advising, Kundalini Counseling and Balancing, and Transformational Bodywork to self-responsible people or those who aspire to be.  Service offerings minister to body, mind, spirit, and soul for whole being integration, affirmation, and empowerment.  Astrology Counseling in combination with Transformational Bodywork is best quality, state-of-the art Whole-Self-Care.

The space in which I work is artificial EMF/R-FREE and BIO-SCALAR ENHANCED.  There is no destructive wireless radiation and cellphones are not allowed.  Our bodies need a break from toxic, unnatural pollution!   A high EMF/R environment is NOT a healing environment.  

Astrology tells us that we are responsible for creating our lives — however well or dysfunctional they may be.  Our conscious minds may not grasp this readily, because creative power also operates in our superconscious and subconscious minds.  Our superconscious naturally works in harmony with the Will of the Creator in bigger picture perspective, and often seems ‘beyond us’.  Yet, beneath the surface of life in the subconscious, creative power may also work at odds with our awareness and desires. If so, it will present challenges and difficulties to show us how we need to integrate our awareness.  We will experience our complexes (complications) as repeating patterns, or ‘repetitious compulsion.’

Integration and healing of the subconscious, inclusion of all of our faculties, soul senses, and parts of self is required, so we can actualize our potential and live our sacred passion to brighten and refresh the world.  As we progress, what was formerly a painful complex of issues can heal.  We gain wisdom, understanding, peace, presence, and mastery, and become medicine for all beings in stressful engagement with those issues.  This process is especially described by the minor planet Chiron in the birth chart, which is a subject of special study for me.  Everyone on earth has taken-on some earth-shadow to heal — for self and others.  But not everyone chooses to open-heartedly engage that task.

Those who don’t want to take full responsibility for what they are creating get caught in blame, hatred, judgment, self pity, rage, condemnation, and ‘false victim process’ or denial.  I don’t choose to work with people who are living in the perpetual repeating struggles of this state of being, unless they are willing to reach for the bigger picture, take responsibility for their lives thus far, and desire change with open heart and mind.  People who don’t, often have false hopes about ‘healers’ and are unlikely to self-commit for practical, well grounded solutions.

It is my joy and fulfillment to work with people who ARE living responsibly and who desire to integrate for better conscious creation and mastery.  Or if they don’t yet understand how this works, who want to.  I support those who choose to go for it!  To BEcome and transform in a natural, balanced, well-grounded, joyful, whole-being reclamation.  It’s why we’re here.

Astrology Counseling Sessions require an accurate birthtime, that should come from a birth certificate.  Mothers’ memories are not reliable.  Four minutes of birthtime can change the degree of the primary angles of the chart (such as the ascendant) by one degree, so this is key.  Scheduling is about a week in advance, but sometimes sooner.

If you need and desire counseling and aid but cannot afford the listed prices, contact me to see if we can work something out.  Bodywork services cannot be discounted due to the time involved and cost of the quality oils.  If you desire an especially potent healing/bodywork session, I will fast with you for one to two days before your appointment.

An eight-minute BEMER session is optional with all service options.


No. 1 – Aura Balance –  This mini-session is powerful and can make all the difference if you’re in nervous, mental, emotional, or physical pain and distress.  It will help you return to peace, core presence, and inner knowing.  I administer this whole-being, balancing session while you either sit or lie down.  Using the Ama-Deus method from the Guarani Indians of the Amazon, I conduct healing light and energy through your being from head-to-toe and toe-to-head using light touch.  Chakras clear and balance, your center is restored, and your Kundalini (innate healing power and wisdom) may become more active, or rise.  The session culminates with a Higher Self Alignment, as taught by Kahuna, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael.  An 8-minute BEMER session enhances this service offering.  Time required:  About 20 minutes.       Cost:  $35   

c3adndios-guarani-kaiowc3a11TRANSFORMATIONAL BODYWORK is whole-being body care ministry that I’ve developed through a synthesis of the healing methods of several cultures I’ve learned from, and working with the wondrous gateways and regeneration processes of the body.   It integrates the use of pure, essential oils with Huna Kane Hawaiian bodywork, massage, reflexology, and Greater Being Alignment as taught by Kahuna Dr. Sandra Rose Michael.  The session completes with whole-being balancing with the 6000-year-old Ama-Deus method from the Guarani Indians.  It includes a warm compress applied on your back as I work on your legs.  See the Transformational Bodywork page for more info.  This session helps you relax deeply so the power of your soul can naturally engage, your life force is enhanced along with your ability to adapt and flow with changes, and realizations and solutions are more readily gained.  During a Transformational Bodywork Session, your sense of time will change as you deeply relax. 

No. 2 – A short Transformational Bodywork Session is conducted on a comfortable mat on the floor with draping.   Underwear is optional.  After several foundational sessions — when your body is ready — we can move to advanced bodywork on the massage table. Time required:  1 and 1/2 hours.  Cost:  $200.

No. 3 – Deep Transformational Bodywork Session is longer and more naturally thorough than the session just above.  I prefer that your first bodywork session with me be this in-depth session.  The longer timeframe allows me to thoroughly massage your feet and hands, and do more work on your front.  An optional gemstone layout can be applied for deep penetration of healing energies, and whole-being balancing to close your session.   Time required: 2 to 2.5 hours according to natural flow at the time.  This session can also be divided into a half-hour chart consultation/update before the deep bodywork session.  Cost:  $250   This is my most popular service option and includes an 8-minute BEMER session.

No. 4- Birthday Solar Return (or other) Astrology Counseling and Transformational Bodywork .  In this combination (same as No. 4 above, but with birthday focus), astrology counseling is focused on your new year starting at your current birthday.  Birthday bodywork session grounds the information we discuss, and your new orientation to life for the next year.  Time required:  2 to 2.5 hours.  Can be divided into two appointments.   Cost:  $250.00

No. 5 – Three-Day Astrology Counseling and Transformational Bodywork Intensive.  To accommodate my clients from other states, I offer a bodywork and astrology counseling combination over a period of three days.  This package includes one deep bodywork session (2.5 hours), followed over the next two days by aura balances or additional bodywork as needed.  It also includes two hours of in-person astrology counseling.  My location is five miles from the MSP airport.  Time required:  5 hours.  Cost:  $500  

Astrology Counseling Sessions (if not an ‘Indepth’ session) are one and a half hours in duration at a cost of $200.  If you are in a challenging situation and short on funds, talk to me and we’ll work something out.

A reading is best done in person, if possible, but I have many clients who meet with me by phone.  If you come for your reading in person, you have the option of an 8-minute BEMER session and an Aura Balance with me (see above) at no extra cost.  If you choose an in-person reading with both options, your session time will be two hours.

Followup sessions, more detailed information for a time period, or regular, monthly updates are offered at a rate of $150 per hour, or $75 per half hour of conversation or audio recording.

Sacred Circles/Ceremonies with Peruvian Whistling Vessels are available on a donation basis, with a trip charge if I need to travel some distance.  The Peruvian Whistles are a unique experience!  They work integrally with the brain, for balancing, sharpened perception, clarity, inspiration, and affirmation; engaging, awakening, and attuning your spirit and soul senses.

Astrology Presentations for Groups are available (three to four-hour) with half-hour mini-readings @$100 per attendee.


Space Clearing and Soul-Fragment Dis-order Resolution is provided at $100 per hour and includes a trip charge of $.60 per mile within the Twin Cities metro area.

Click here for info about my EMF/R services.

 Gift Certificates are Available. 


Please note:  I am not a ‘tantric goddess.’  My work does not uphold and perpetuate spiritually impoverished complexes or addictions.